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The Suggestions For Correcting Data Error Events Are Application-defined Errors



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    Here are some simple steps that can help you troubleshoot your app-defined data error error.



    • 2 transformers for reading

    This rate is displayed when the error generated by the Raise method or the Error statement does not match the error defined by Visual Basic for Applications. This also results in a by Error function for arguments that do not match the errors defined by Visual Basic for Applications, so it might be an error you are defining, or defining an object that includes host applications such as Microsoft Excel, Visual Basic, etc. For example, simple visual mappings generate form-related errors that cannot be generated from code simply by adding a number as an argument to the statement Action Raise or Error. This message has the following reasons and solutions:

    • Updated

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      Your application has executed an Err.Raisen or Errorn statement, but the number n is undefined by Visual Basic for Applications. If recommended, you will need to use Err.Raise and provide new arguments so that the end user can understand the nature of the error. For example, you can includeb description line, source and reference information. For recovering from a serious error that you have encountered, this approach will most likely work if you do not run Err.Clear before recovering the error. If you run Err.Clear first, you must put other arguments in the Raise method. Look at the entire context in which the error occurred and be sure to create the same error.

    • It is possible that when objects have been reached from other applications, an error will be returned to your program that cannot be attributed to a Visual Basic error.

    Check the documentation to see if you have items. In all cases, the object’s err Source property must contain the identifier of the schedule schedule or object that caused the error. To understand the context of the error returned by an object, you can use the On Error Resume Next technique in code that accesses the objects, rather than comparing the On Error GoToline syntax.

    List Of Errors In The List For The Host Application

    In the past, programmers often used a loop to print a list of all intercepted lines of telephone messages. Usually this is deIt was done with the help of this standard:

      For index from 7 to 500    Debug.Print $ error (index)Next pointer 

    This code always lists all Visual Basic for Applications error messages, showing only “application or object errors” for host-related inconveniences, such as in Visual Basic, related to forms, controls, and so on above. Most of them are fixable errors . You can use the Find Help dialog box to find a list of fixable errors specific to your host application. Find, click Trappable Type under first text box, then click Show Topics. Select Errors to Fix from the general list below, then click Go To. More

    For more information, select an item and press F1 (Windows) or HELP (Macintosh).

    Support & Feedback

    Do you have questions or comments about Office VBA or this documentation? See Office VBA Support and Feedback for help and feedback.

    Error 713: Error Detecting The Application Or Object In Question

    by Tomas Rom »Fri 01 Oct 1999 04:00:00

    data error event hit error application-defined

    Distribute the Microsoft Data Environment Runtime (msderun.dll)
    as a windows system listing and register it (manually if necessary)

    I have the same problem and now everything is fine.

    Quote: > Hello

    > I am suffering from vb60 program development. In this program, MS Access opens the 97

    > database using the data environment.
    > If I create a package from a program and install it on another computer, I get the following error message:

    data error event hit error application-defined

    > Error number: 713
    > Description: Application error or

    > This happens when I try to access a record in an Access database. Usually, when I try
    on my computer (Windows 98), there is no problem.
    > I have to search the recordset. On all other computers (Windows 95 or
    > Windows 98 without VB60 installed) only this error occurs.

    Can anyone advise me? Similarly, I am trying to copy the whole MSADOxx.DLL to your
    > other current computers. Installing this complete VB60 app is incredible size:
    It> requires 700MB, and no more than 200MB on another free laptop or computer system.

    > Netherlands (Maasbommel)

    > Specially developed the vb60 program. In this program, MS-access will find your 97

    > database using the data environment.
    > If I create a package from a program and install it on many more computers
    > I get a read error message:

    > Error number: 713
    > Description: Application or object error

    > This happens when I choose to access a record in an Access Delaware database. When I try>
    on my computer (Windows 98), there was no problem.
    > I can check a set of records. This important error occurs in other programs (Windows 95 or
    > Windows 97, without VB60 installed).

    > Can anyone give us some advice? I am also trying to copy all MSADOxx.DLL to this
    > other computers. Completed installation of VB60 application is too complicated –
    > requires 800 MB, and on others
    > PCs are no more freetwo hundred MB.



    Speed up your computer today with this simple download.




    Data Error Event Hit Error Applikationsdefinierad
    데이터 오류 이벤트 적중 오류 애플리케이션 정의
    Błąd Danych Błąd Trafienia Zdarzenia Zdefiniowany W Aplikacji
    Errore Dati Evento Hit Error Definito Dall’applicazione
    Error De Datos Error De Golpe De Evento Definido Por La Aplicación
    Datenfehler Ereignis Hit Error Anwendungsdefiniert
    Erreur De Données Erreur D’occurrence D’événement Défini Par L’application
    Erro De Dados De Evento De Erro De Acerto Definido Pelo Aplicativo
    Gegevensfout Gebeurtenis Trefferfout Toepassingsgedefinieerd
    Ошибка данных Событие Ошибка попадания Определяется приложением