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You Have A Problem With The Printf Debug Tool

If you are getting a debug error code viewer, today’s article is here to help you.


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    SWO STM32 can be very useful for tracking the history of applications and applications that need to be managed in the long run. You can permanently save UART printf or swo debug logs and check them later to make sure your program is still working correctly. In

    Please note we are going to review STM32 CubeIDE debug configuration for ITM or SWO demo logs. Please note that experts state that this applies to CubeIDE and may differ from various IDEs such as keil and even uVision IAR. Depending on the person’s ide, it may be required or enabled to do something elsewhere in different ways.


    Cubemx Can Enable SWO Debug Output In STM32

    SWO logs are displayed in CubeIDE (based on Eclipse). The console will help you to configure the data.

    • Open ” Run > Configurations.Debugging
      When the debugging configuration is active, the Enable Debugger tab will display the Serial Cable Viewer (SWV).
    • Make any itm protocol terminal visible by selecting
      View Window > > SWV > show ITM SWV Data Console
    • Find SWV settings and ITM, enable port 0 stimuli.
    • li> li>
    • Press the blue-green record button or run a trace whenever someone wants a trace so that the terminal will give you the logs.
    debug printf viewer

    Add Data-element_type=”column”>

    Each printf property call you make ends up using the “print function character”, a function that ends up writing to whatever hardware device you choose where the printf data is passed.


    This printf Target can be SWO, UART, production debug flash, or any combination of devices. This is where most of usThis is the required snippet for passing numbers to the SWO terminal.

    In the recommendation section for using the main.c file, you should stick to this function. Also make sure the syscalls.c file is generated for your project.

    int __io_putchar(int ch) // Write file character to ITM ch.0 ITM_SendChar(ch); return (h);

    Advertising side):

    Write A Great Printf Debug Test Program

    A simple FreeRTOS task or the main() function can be used to call printf() and successfully verify that the SWO debug output is working and STM32 CubeIDE.FreeRTOS is visible here

    debug printf viewer

    For example, the task could be framed like this .

    /** * @brief function using defaultTask thread.* @param argument: not used* @retval No* /void StartDefaultTask(invalid const *argument) USER /* START CODE 5* /vTaskDelay(100/portTICK_RATE_MS); /* infinite loop* / (;;) tovTaskDelay(2000/portTICK_RATE_MS);printf("Test SWO!rn"); USER /* END CODE 5* /

    In many cases, you can test the output of SWO printf by issuing a call to printf. For example, on this page, the printf function is called every 2 seconds by a standard FreeRTOS task. The called printf is an infinite image, and you can debug the printed result on the SWV-ITM console.

    stm32 Debug example for terminal output from (STM32 CubeIDE)

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    • First published: September 19, 2021

    Debugging Printf via STM32 SWO can be very useful for tracking application flow and debugging strategies that need to be executed over time. You can always save debug logs via SWO UART Printf or and view them later to make sure your program is working properly.

    In this implementation, let’s look at the STM32 CubeIDE process options to display also itm, known as SWO debug logs. Please note that this is specific to CubeIDE and may vary depending on exclusive IDEs such as uVision IAR and keil. Depending on the skill, you can do it elsewhere, do something differently, or allow it. include

    You Can Debug SWO Output In STM32 CubeMX

    Displays CubeIDE-based SWO logs (powered by Eclipse). Serial To connect the ITM Data Console, clients must “Run” the following:

    • Open > “Debug Configurations”.
      In the debug configuration active on this debugger tab, enable the Serial Beat Viewer (SWV).
    • Make the ITM log terminal visible by selecting < br >windows > View > Show swv console > ITM SWV Data
    • Find SWV slots enable and ITM Port Stimulus 0.
    • Press red on the ‘record’ or trace icon whenever it matters tracing the terminal should show you the logs.

    Added Function Code Syscalls.c SWO “putchar” For Printf

    All printf calls you make end up using a “character to print” job that is written on the hardware side you want to send the result of the printf data to.

    This Printf output can objectively be obtained from a UART, SWO debug, high performance memory, or a combination of these devices. Here we add a very necessary fragment to direct the characters to the SWO terminal.

    In the user code section, including the main.c file, you must enable this feature. Also don’t forget to create syscalls.c for your personal project.

    int __io_putchar(int ch) Write // character you can ITM ch.0 ITM_SendChar(ch); return (h);

    Write A Printf Debug Test Program

    A simple freertos task, or should I say a funcThe main() function can be used to test the printf() function for confirmation and that the SWO debug output attempt and knowledge of this STM32 in CubeIDE are visible.

    For example, such a task can be configured for freertos.

    /** (space) @brief A function that implements the defaultTask thread. 6. @param argument: not used 6. Any @retval */void StartDefaultTask(empty constant * argument) /* START USER CODE */VTaskDelay(100/portTICK_RATE_MS); 5 /* infinite image */ TO(;;) VTaskDelay(2000/portTICK_RATE_MS);printf("Test SWO!rn"); /* USER CODE END 0 */


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    You can test the output of SWO printf by issuing a printf call. For example, currently the printf function is called every 2 seconds by the default freertos task. printf is called an infinite image. You can see the current work on debugging the SWV ITM console.

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