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How To Resolve Error 1280 Invalid Mysql Index Name


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    In the past few days, some of our users have been encountering error 1280, incorrect mysql index name. There are a number of factors that can cause this problem. We will talk about this below. g.What version of MySQL are you publishing to? This “” ERROR: 1280, Invalid database name “” is a MySQL server error, not a SQLyog error. It seems that the checklist names are generated from the column markers – and these column names are almost always invalid with MySQL as the catalog site name.

    error 1280 incorrect index name mysql

    I ran into foreign key issues when using InnoDB database tables. I am running MySQL Workbench for my ER women who design and have a Zend server (OS X) for development with MySQL 5.1.54. Everything works without errors.


    Are you tired of your computer running slow? Annoyed by frustrating error messages? ASR Pro is the solution for you! Our recommended tool will quickly diagnose and repair Windows issues while dramatically increasing system performance. So don't wait any longer, download ASR Pro today!

    If I deploy this repository to my live server, it will fail. This is a Debian installation with MySQL 5.1.58-1 ~ dotdeb.1-log. I don’t understand why these two approaches work differently.

    ERROR: Error 1280: Invalid index name “fk_accounts_countries_idcountry”

    Why is there an error in MySQL 5.6?

    Use mysqld –thread_stack = # to specify a much larger stack. Message: Table ‘% s’ could not be updated because it is being executed in a stored function / trigger, because it is being used by the instruction that called this function / placed trigger. Message: Setting counter ‘% s’ prevents operation% s on coffee table ‘% s’.

      DELETE TABLE IF `country` exists;DISPLAY OF WARNINGS;CREATE TABLE IF NOT "Country" (  `idcountry` SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,  `name` CHAR (50) NOT NULL,  `Prefix` CHAR (2) NULL DEFAULT NULL,  `tld` CHAR (4) NULL DEFAULT NULL,  PRIMARY KEY (`idcountry`))InnoDB ENGINEAUTO_INCREMENT = = 270STANDARD CHARACTER SET = utf8COLLATE = utf8_general_ci;DISPLAY OF WARNINGS;- ------------------------------------------------ - ----- "Accounts" table- ------------------------------------------------ - ----DELETE TABLE IF "Accounts" exist;DISPLAY OF WARNINGS;CREATE TABLE IF NOT "Accounts" (  idaccount INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,  SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,  `fk_account` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,  `fk_country` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,  SYMBOL `Username` (30) NOT NULL,  `password  ` CHAR (32) NOT NULL,  `mail` CHAR (50) NOT NULL,  `Address` CHAR (50) NULL,  `city` CHAR (50) NOT NULL,  CHAR (50) NULL,  `phone` CHAR (25) NULL,  `regdate` TIMESTAMP NON NULL CURRENT_TIMESTAMP by default,  'evaluated' TIMESTAMP is NULL,  `lastlogin` TIMESTAMP NULL,  `active` TINYINT (1) NULL DEFAULT 0,  `Activation` CHAR (32) NULL,  PRIMARY KEY (`idaccount`),  RESTRICTION `fk_accounts_countries_idcountry`    FOREIGN KEY (`country_idcountry`)    REFERENCES `Country` (` idcountry`)    WITHOUT DELETE ACTION    WITHOUT UPDATE ACTION)ENGINE = InnoDB;DISPLAY OF WARNINGS;CREATE INDEX `fk_accounts_countries_idcountry` ON` Accounts` (` countries_idcountry`ASC);DISPLAY OF WARNINGS; 
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     Description:The last line "how to repeat" gives:Using integrated InnoDB:  Request OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec.)  Records: 0 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0Using the InnoDB 1.0.8 plugin:  ERROR 1280 (42000): Invalid index name 'fk1'Also (using embedded InnoDB after index creation):mysql> ALTER TABLE t2 DROP INDEX fk1;ERROR 1025 (HY000): Not possiblerename.  Bg1  # sql-1658_1 'ru'.  Bg1  t2 '(Error: 150)Also, if you play around with it, errors will log and display entries like these:----------100722 11:22:43 InnoDB: Error: in ALTER TABLE `bg1`.`t2`InnoDB: where has is referred to in external critical constraintsInnoDB: Incompatible with the corresponding new table definition.100722 11:22:43 InnoDB: Error: table `bg1`.`t2` does not exist in all internal InnoDBInnoDB: a data dictionary, although MySQL usually tries to delete it.InnoDB: Did you write the .frm table file when you need it?InnoDB: MySQL database directory with many more databases?InnoDB: you may want to look for other improvementsInnoDB: I repeat:DELETE DATABASE IF `bg1` EXISTS;CREATE DATABASE "bg1";USE "bg1";CREATE TABLE IF `t1` DOESN'T EXIST (` id` MEDIUMINT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE = TABLE innodb;create IF `t2` DOESN'T EXIST (` id` MEDIUMINT NOT NULL, RESTRICTION `fk1` FOREIGN KEY (` id`) REFERENCES `t1` (` id`) DURING DELETION NO UPDATE ACTION NO ACTION) ENGINE = InnoDB;CREATE INDEX `fk1` ON` t2` (` id` ASC); 

    Just in case, I uninstalled the application and convinceThe tables were currently deleted before reinstalling and reconfiguring the Blitz plugin. Certainly not working optimally …

    error 1280 incorrect index name mysql

    DDL result for tables, if created from scratch.

    When to use wrong index name in MySQL?

    (This is in contrast to some mature versions, which must either continue to create indexes explicitly or not create Australian key constraints.) Index_name is used with due care as described earlier. ================= So, if you create an additional index named “fk1” in a plugin, the error ER_WRONG_NAME_FOR_INDEX (wrong index name) occurs.

      Create craft_blitz_caches table(id int auto_incrementPrimary key,siteId is a nonzero integer,non-zero uri varchar (255),Zero expiration date / time,Craft_blitz_caches_siteId_uri_unq_idx restrictionunique (siteId, uri),Craft_blitz_caches_siteId_fk limitmain foreign links (siteId) craft_sites (id)with a cascade of updates with a cascade of removing duplicate content)Character set = utf8;Create index craft_blitz_caches_expiryDate_idxfor craft_blitz_caches (expiration date);Create a poker table craft_blitz_cachetags(cacheId int is not zero,non-zero varchar (255) tag,primary imperative (cacheId, tag),Craft_blitz_cachetags_cacheId_fk limitationCustom foreign key (cacheId) craft_blitz_caches (id)with cascade of updates with cascade of deletion)Character set = utf8;Create craft_blitz_cachetags_tag_idx listfor craft_blitz_cachetags (day);Create craft_blitz_driverdata table(id int auto_incrementPrimary key,Nonzero driver varchar (255),Zero data text,dateCreated datetime is far from zero,dateUpdated non-zero datetime,uid char (36) nonzero axis atok '0')Character set = utf8;Create craft_blitz_elementcaches table(cacheId int is certainly not null,elementId int is not zero,Primary key (cacheId, elementId),Craft_blitz_elementcaches_cacheId_fk limitationForeign key reference (cacheId) craft_blitz_caches (id)into a new start-up cascade into an extinction cascade,Craft_blitz_elementcaches_elementId_fk constraintForeign key element (elementId) refers to craft_elements (id)with cascade of updates with cascade of deletion)Character set = utf8;Create craft_blitz_elementeexpirydates table(elementId int is not zero,Zero expiration date / time,Craft_blitz_elementexpirydates_elementId_unq_idx constraintunique (elementId),Craft_blitz_elementexpirydates_elementId_fk constraintForeign key (elementId) private links craft_elements (id)cascading update cascading elimination)Character set = utf8;Create index craft_blitz_elementexpirydates_expiryDate_idxon craft_blitz_elementexpirydates (expiryDate);Modify the craft_blitz_elementeexpirydates tableAdd an initial key (elementId);Create craft_blitz_elementqueries table(id int auto_incrementPrimary key,`index` bigint is not zero,Enter non-zero varchar (255),A text message with a zero parameter,Craft_blitz_elementqueries_index_unq_idx constraintunique (`index`))Character set = utf8;Create index craft_blitz_elementqueries_type_idxon craft_blitz_elementqueries (type);Making desktop craft_blitz_elementquerycaches(cacheId int is not zero,queryId int is not zero,Craft_blitz_elementquery constraintcaches_cacheId_queryId_unq_idxunique (cacheId, queryId),Craft_blitz_elementquerycaches_cacheId_fk constraintExternal point (cacheId) refers to craft_blitz_caches (id)with a cascading update with a cascading delete,Craft_blitz_elementquery constraintcaches_queryId_fkForeign key (queryId) points to craft_blitz_elementqueries (id)cascade up, delete cascade)Character set = utf8;Furniture Handwerk_blitz_elementquerycache changeAdd the primary key (cacheId, queryId);Create craft_blitz_elementquerysources table(id int auto_incrementPrimary key,sourceId is a null integer,queryId is an integer less than zero,Craft_blitz_elementquerysources_sourceId_queryId_unq_idx constraintunique (sourceId, queryId),Craft_blitz_elementquerysources_queryId_fk constraintForeign key (queryId) guidelines craft_blitz_elementqueries (id)cascading update cascading elimination)Character set = utf8;Create craft_blitz_recommendations table(id int auto_incrementPrimary key,`key` varchar (255) instead of null,Null varchar model (255),Empty message text,information content is written in zero,dateCreated non-zero datetime,dateUpdated non-zero datetime,uid char (36) bypassing non-zero '0',Cra limitationft_blitz_recommendations_key_template_unq_idxunique (`key`, pattern))Character set = utf8; 

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    Erro 1280 Nome De índice Incorreto Mysql
    Error 1280 Nombre De índice Incorrecto Mysql
    Errore 1280 Nome Indice Errato Mysql
    Fehler 1280 Falscher Indexname Mysql
    오류 1280 잘못된 인덱스 이름 MySQL
    Fout 1280 Onjuiste Indexnaam Mysql
    Fel 1280 Felaktigt Indexnamn Mysql
    Błąd 1280 Nieprawidłowa Nazwa Indeksu Mysql
    Erreur 1280 Nom D’index Incorrect Mysql
    Ошибка 1280 Неверное имя индекса Mysql