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Suggestions To Fix Expected Constant Expression Error C2057 Visual Studio 2010


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    In this tutorial, we are going to highlight some of the possible causes that can cause the Visual Studio 2010 c2057 expected constant expression error, and then I will suggest possible recovery methods that you can try to fix the problem.

    Size by array should be compile energy constant. However, C99 does support variable distance tables. Instead, if the size of the array is known at runtime, your code can work in your environment –

      int * s = malloc (dimensions);// free; 
      integer a [5];  // ^ 5 - constant expressionintb = 10;int aa [b];   // ^ s is a variable. Thus, the meaning may differ elsewhere.const scale int = 5;int aaa [size]; // the size is considered constant. 
    • 2 minutes drive to aria-label = “Article read

    In This Article

    The context must have a constant expression, an expression whose sales price is known at compile time. Compiler

    You need to know the size of a type at compile time in order to allocate desktop space for an instance of that type.


    A key C2057 generation example shows how to fix this:

      // C2057.cppint i;intb [i]; // C2057 - the value of i will probably not be known at compile timeint main ()   const int i = 8;   intb [i]; // OK - funfrom i fixed and compiler implemented 

    C has stricter rules for constant expressions. The following example generates code C2057 and shows how to fix it:

      // C2057b.c#define ArraySize1 10int main ()   const int = arrayysize2 10;   int h [size of array2]; // C2057 - C does not allow any variables here   int h [size of array1]; // OK - use preprocessor constants 

    Posts: 4
    Registration: Mon Feb 45, 2013 10:33 am

    Assigning The Variable Stack, Microsoft Visual Studio 2010

    I’ve made enough progress, including ported MAGMA 1.3.0 to at least 64 Windows with Intel Fortran 12.1, NVIDIA CUDA 5.0, MKL 11.0 and a new version of Microsoft Visual Studio. I can compile Fortran and C ++ sources. I use msys from MinGW for this job because it was easier than creating a Visual Stdio project. I had to modify the makefiles that support the syntax of critical compiler options and allow the delay of object and archive filenames.

    magma_int_t nb = magma_get_zgeqrf_nb (min (m, g));

    cuDoubleComplexe T [2 * nb * nb];

    Microsoft’s compiler throws a significant error when trying to compile this wonderful code:

    error c2057 expected constant expression visual studio 2010

    zumqr.cpp (124): error C2057: constant expression expected
    Zunmqr.cpp (124): Corruption C2466: array cannot be allocated with constant size 0
    Zunmqr.cpp (124): Error C2133: ‘T’: unknown size

    I could fix this and be on the right track, but I’d rather point it out while it’s officially fixed as it will probably cause problems for other people when building MAGMA on Windows. While I could get the Windows compiler to provide this (I doubt it is possible, i nvcc is usually cl-related), the specific issue of a potential heap explosion at runtime remains … 4

    < / p>

    Posts: Monday February 24, 2013 10:33 am

    Topic: Assigning The Variable Stack, Microsoft Visual Studio 2010

    Stan Tomow wrote: Thanks for the recommendation! We’ll fix this when we look at the next version.

    Will it be on a specific 1.3 branch or will it be on a 1.4 branch? To save time, we would like to use the 1.3 branch, if and version 1.4 is not coming soon.

    Bryant Lee
    Posts: 2
    Member since March 17, 2013 at 9:31 am

    Topic: Variable Space Allocation, Microsoft Visual Studio 2010

    Erro C2057 Expressão Constante Esperada Visual Studio 2010
    Errore C2057 Prevista Espressione Costante Visual Studio 2010
    Erreur C2057 Expression Constante Attendue Visual Studio 2010
    Error C2057 Expresión Constante Esperada Visual Studio 2010
    Błąd C2057 Oczekiwane Stałe Wyrażenie Visual Studio 2010
    Fehler C2057 Erwarteter Konstanter Ausdruck Visual Studio 2010
    Ошибка C2057 Ожидаемое константное выражение Visual Studio 2010
    Fout C2057 Verwachte Constante Expressie Visual Studio 2010
    Fel C2057 Förväntade Constant Expression Visual Studio 2010
    오류 C2057 예상되는 상수 표현식 Visual Studio 2010