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The Best Way To Fix Database Deconfiguration Errors


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    You need to try these recovery methods if you get an error while configuring em for a database error code.

    error de-configuring em for database

    I am currently trying to rebuild EMGC.

    emca Dbcontrol -deconfig db -repos drop; >>> then: emca -config dbcontrol -repos create;

    Before we get down to our own “build” part, I know I have a few things to do before I can start a new cmd.

    I have the following questions: if I do this and it fails too, I look at the error log and it tells me that I still need to delete the PUBLIC SYNONYY. I don’t mind, but I definitely made a list of 28 SYNONYMS, and every time I run the program, it seems to suggest that I keep another one.

    Every time I do this it usually takes 10-15 minutes, so removing one synonym will take almost any time when there are dozens of others. So far, every time I see that I have to let someone down, it has taken me several days. I’m exhausted.

    YesDoes anyone have an absolute list of ALL PUBLIC whose synonyms need to be removed in order to properly run this repository ??

    And … why am I doing this now? I just get a 503 error when trying to access the EM console type on port: 1158. Upon digging, I found that Oracle and Windows corrupted the file because it is now empty as well. I really wish this could happen, things that really need to get rid of on their own.

    While moving these synonyms around, can I also create a batch file for SQLPLUS that runs and erases each of the synonyms I need instead of doing it one at a time?

    I was able to solve this problem. For anyone concerned about this, I hope this helps you.

    Symptom: When trying to connect to the em console for Oracle, the message “503 Service Unavailable” was displayed

    Cause: While checking the contents of the folder, the product was found to be empty. An empty file, so of course there can be no links and / or properties for DBConsole.


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    You can only d Wondering why Critical threw this file into the trash can with jolts. Line, floor is required or you don’t have an EMGC.

    error de-configuring em for database

    I’ve tried to “drop and recreate” the repository several times. This has failed every time, and my posts I am reporting are aimed at trying to make this work by doing the -repos drop / recreate action.

    Knowing that everything but EMGC is fine, I stuck with this idea, looked for a few more clues, and I managed to get it to work again as well.

    The folder containing the properties emoms.File, which fortunately was done in the “backup” of the file. Otherwise, you can download the layout and fill in the appropriate fields for your awesome database.

    So … a couple of things are going to happen, but luckily users can still use Oracle while you do it. The ONLY provider we deal with is the DBConsole type. Also note that Windows DOES NOT always KNOW what is going on with the vendors. This was proven by me when I used emctl for DBConsole, turned it off, but still in all windows services itthinks it can still work after updating.

    Ok … let’s fix that. helps to confirm some things first.

    2) Hosts file, make sure you have entries for IP / Host. Not just a standard train

    What does the error establishing a database connection error mean?

    The error that causes the database connection to fail basically means that for some reason the PHP code usually couldn’t connect to your company’s MySQL database to get the information it needs to create this page.

    4) Make sure DBAgent is ok. cmd> emctl status agent. Make sure it is running and check the suggested “Disk Space”. If there is not enough space, it will really fail.

    7) If you have a copy, keep another copy of the shoulder joint and rename it though Or you need a style to recreate it.

    8) Edit the file ….. Find the person’s line: oracle.sysman.eml.mntr.emDepPwd = e9m74cdr8..bla bla bla. This is your wonderful SYSMAN password that has been encrypted. Edit it and enter P / W as plain text.

    9) Find the following line for P / W encryption: oracle.sysman.eml.mntr.emRepPwdEncrypted = TRUE and replace TRUE with FALSE. Save your changes.

    11) Wait until it is perfect, now go back and look at the specific file and see if you were encrypted in the P / W case and the word FALSE is now TRUE. Otherwise go to Windows services.msc and restart the DBConsole service.

    12) Let’s check the encryption again, if everything is good, let’s continue. Otherwise, you may need to restart or try to restart the service until this happens.

    13) we need an “insecure” return to dbconsole so that we can upload the necessary files to the repository properly. cmd> unsecured emctl dbconsole

    14) cmd> emctl upload This should complete and the report will complete successfully

    15) cmd> emctl secure dbconsole This will definitely re-secure the console and make it accessible. Your

    If the EM does not charge immediately, wait a few minutes. Actually I had to delete the cookies, improve them and enter the EM web address as a trusted site on the local intranet. and the login page is displayed.

    My weekend will be much better, which has always been a success.

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    Erreur Lors De La Déconfiguration D’Em Pour La Base De Données
    Erro Ao Desconfigurar O Em Para O Banco De Dados
    Errore Durante La Deconfigurazione Di Em Per Il Database
    Ошибка деконфигурации Em для базы данных
    Error Al Desconfigurar Em Para La Base De Datos
    Fehler Beim Dekonfigurieren Von Em Für Die Datenbank
    Błąd Podczas Dekonfiguracji Em Dla Bazy Danych
    데이터베이스용 Em 구성 해제 오류
    Fel Vid Avkonfigurering Av Em För Databas
    Fout Bij Het De-configureren Van Em Voor Database