You are currently viewing Fixed The Error Index That Was Used With A Variable Without A Cook-bot Array

Fixed The Error Index That Was Used With A Variable Without A Cook-bot Array

If you’ve seen the error index used with a variable without a kuk-bot array, this user guide will help you.


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    from what you said i traced the problem … but i don’t know if this is the reason …

     #include "Array.au3"#include "Date.au3"#include "file.au3"Main function ()MainFunc () functionA; Subtract 1 from today's time  $ mday = _DateAdd ('d', -1, _NowCalcDate ())  $ mday = StringReplace ($ mday, "/", ".")  $ mday = StringRight ($ mday, 2) & '.'. & StringMid ($ mday, 6, 2) & '. & 'StringLeft ($ mday, 4)  $ outputName = "CardTrack_" & $ mday & ".csv"  $ file = FileOpen ("C:  CardTrack " & $ outputName, 2)  $ file if = -1 Then  MsgBox (0, "Error", "Unable to create file.", 5)To leave  end  $ queryFileName "C:  CardTrack  query = .sql"  $ spoolFileName = "C:  CardTrack  output.txt"  $ queryFile = FileOpen ($ queryFileName, 10)  $ sql_query = "SELECT XTARIFFTIME, cepan, STRANSTYPE, SDEVICE, LTOTALAMOUNT FROM LOGGVORGANG WHERE XTARIFFTIME> = TO_DATE ('" & $ mday & "', 'DD-MM-YY') ORDER BY CEPAN,  $ line1 = "Old session set NLS_DATE_FORMAT matches 'DD.MM.YYYY HH24: MI: SS';"  $ line2 = "Spool centimeter & $ spoolFileName &"; "  $ line3 equals "" & $ sql_query  $ line4 = "Coils off;"  $ line5 = "exit;"  ShellExecute ("sqlplus", "db / db")Sleep (3000)  Send ($ line1)  Submit ("Enter")Sleep (3000)  Send ($ line2)  Submit ("Enter")Sleep (3000)  Send ($ line3)  Submit ("Enter")Sleep (60,000)  Send ($ line4)  Submit ("Enter")Sleep (3000)  Send ($ line5)  Submit ("Enter") 

    So it looks like the prothe point is that after executing shellxecute with the shell, none of these $ line commands are sent to the investor unless someone is logged in!

    The same command will work

    The Identical command will work just as well with cwrsync as it does Cygwin – Cwrsync in Cygwin is considered just rsync, with a GUI to easily create rsync commands, and some Windows best practices. Since they were short on time, many suggested creating a batch file with a GUI to continue as a complete workaround.

    Regarding the -a option: this is a combination of options, many of which are not suitable for children on Windows systems.

    error subscript used with non-array variable kuk-bot

    We apologize for the inconvenience caused to this person. However, we don’t think this concept fits what customers are trying to come up with. East

    error subscript used with non-array variable kuk-bot

    This is an online support for solving cwrsync technical problems, ridiculous or ridiculous. It is moderated and should not function as a small discussion forum either. If you are one of them and want to talk to us aboutFor other items, please do not hesitate to contact our staff directly.

    The autoit error in the evaluation index means that the subfolder folder is notfound or saved. To fix this problem, you may need tofind a specialist or edit the script again so that it makes sense toThe file can be found.


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    Q: How to enable automatic setting of error index used with non-array variables?

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