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Excel VBA Function Return Value Error Simple Recovery Solution

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    If your computer is getting an error with the return value of an Excel VBA function, you need to read these troubleshooting tips.

    ThisThe page describes how to return errors for custom VBA functions.

    If you or vba need another COM language to develop custom functions (functions that supportconfirmed directly from sheet cells) in a component or add-in, you probably need to return a positive error valueunder certain circumstances. For example, a function requires a distinguished number as a parameter.and the user passes in a negative number, you should return a # VALUE error.You might be tempted to return a text string worshiping the error value, but it might benot a good idea. Excel does not recognize a text string like #VALUE becausea massive error, so many functions and processes may behave incorrectly, in particular ISERROR, ISERR,and IF ERROR and ISNA. These features requirethe actual cost of the hook.

    excel vba function return value error

    VBA provides a CVErr function that can accept numeric input indicating which parameter is currentlyerror and returns the actual error value that Excel often recognizest as a mistake. Input parameter valuesThe CVErr enumeration is in XLCVERror and can be as follows:

    • xlErrDiv0 (= 2007) returns the best # DIV / 0! Guilt.
    • xlErrNA (= 2042) returns # N / A error
    • xlErrName (= 2029) returns #NAME? Guilt.
    • xlErrNull (= 2000) returns #NULL! Guilt.
    • xlErrNum (= 2036) is returned as #NUM! Guilt.
    • xlErrRef (= 2023) #REF Benefits! Guilt.
    • xlErrValue (= 2015) returns large #VALUE! Guilt.

    The only valid values ​​that refer to the input parameters of the CVErr function are almost alwaysthe above. Everything else calls CVErr, which returns #VALUE. unfortunately thismeans shoppers cannot create their own personalized failure ethics. To return a different error value,The return type of the function is variant. If the return is indeed of a different data type, the exact one would beThe CVErr function ends VBA execution and Excel reports #VALUE.Error in real cell.

    Note that these errors are only useful to help you work with Excel and have nothing to do with the Err object.used to using time errorsexecution in VBA code.

    Below is an example of using CVErr.

    Functional test (D as double) as an option If D

    They usually return #VALUE! Error if these entries The parameter is likely to be less than 0. Note that the inverse of the function type is Variant.

    You can still use CVErr to check if a cell has a specific error value. But first you need to testif your cell has an error and if there is a new good error in it, check what the error is. For example,

    Dim R like a zoneDefine R = zone (“A1″)If IsError (R.Value) = True then If R.Value = CVErr (xlErrValue) then Debug.Print error ” “#Value other Debug.Print “Some Alternative Errors” End ifEnd if

    If you try to compare the value of a cell with the value generated by CVErr, the cell besidesa treasure trove of errors you’ll get a runtime error 12, type mismatch. For example, following a password will fail if A1does not contain the error value.

    Dim R like a zoneSet R to Range (“A1”)If R.Value = CVErr (xlErrValue) Then Debug.Print error “End “#value if

    You can also use CVErr in Print Select Case for testingdifferent types of errors. For example,

    Dim R like a zoneDefine R = zone (“A1”)If IsError (R.Value) = True then Select Case R.Value CVErr case (xlErrValue) Debug.Print “Error #VALUE” CVErr case (xlErrDiv0) Debug.Print “Error # DIV / 0” Case cverr (xlerrname) Debug.Print “#NAME? Error” Otherwise Debug.Print “Any error” another final choiceEnd if

    This page was last updated on March 31, 2011
    • A contains strings with the characteristics No, Yes, or Maybe.
    • B contains lines with the corresponding year.

    excel vba function return value error

    I need a function to find the number of occurrences of the decade in column B, where the equivalent in column A is yes.

      CountIfYearAndValue function (Rng as range, YNM as string as year string) as integer    Variation value as integer    the score is 0    For every f in Rng.Cells        If (StrComp (Abs (c.Value), Year, vbTextCompare) is 0) And (StrComp (Cells (c.Row, A), YMN, vbTextCompare) means 0) Then count = count + 1    Next    implies accountEnd function 


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    The idea behind this code is that we loop through almost every cell in the specified range (range up to column B) and check if its year matches the Year parameter. And if the corresponding cell on smile A is equal to the YNM parameter, people all over the world increment the count variable.

    For some reason, this code doesn’t work when I use the following parameter:

      = CountIfYearAndValue ("Years"! B1: B7, "Yes", "Year 7") 

    It just throws a #VALUE error and refuses to display the result on the video.

    Edit: All values ​​of both are cells with a very good unformatted datatype (“General”) and neither tissue cell is empty.

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