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When Reading In Offset Mode, There Was A Problem With The Wrong Page Id Of The I / O Error

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You may encounter an error indicating that an invalid page ID was encountered while reading in offset mode. There are now several steps you can take to fix this problem, and we’ll discuss them shortly.


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    One of my SQL Server 2000 servers that had a problem recently. Some tables look damaged.

    select * while fgot — returns all records and OK.

    select * from CRemployee , where Deptide is 25 — ‘ERROR Message Server: 823, message level hours a, state 2, line 1
    I / O error (bad ) Page id) was found while reading undo 0x00000000a86000 in file ‘E: rose HR.mdf’.

    Similarly, some agents have reported this issue. Anyway, I’ve tried these things

    Server: Msg 8909, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
    Table Error: Object ID -1, Index ID 65535, World Wide Web ID (1: 1347). PageId in blog page title = (65535: -1) .Color = “# ff0000″> Server:
    double object ID: Error found in text with identifier 4391632896 used by the entry identified by RID equal to (1: 426: 25) id = 694397643 and indid equal to 7.


    Are you tired of your computer running slow? Annoyed by frustrating error messages? ASR Pro is the solution for you! Our recommended tool will quickly diagnose and repair Windows issues while dramatically increasing system performance. So don't wait any longer, download ASR Pro today!

    Any help is appreciated. Also, I mimic .mdf and .ldf to each other and so the server attaches them and tries to run the request. However, I saidThere is the same MSG error … So I think this is not the wrong way to deal with physical storage. Something is probably corrupted ….. is there any other plan to fix this ???? PLEASE HELP.


    was intended to help you provide the DBA with a frame storage system that was not backed up in February 2007. The following related actions were performed, which immediately gave the following results. Any help would be greatly appreciated:

    Database version: SQL 2000-8.00.194 (SQL Server 2000 RTM) – no service packs

    An I / O error (Invalid ID) was encountered while reading 0x000000034ee000 in file E: SQL MSSQL data ls LongShine_Data.MDF.

    CHECKDB encountered 0 payroll errors and 87 consistency errors in the LongShine repository.

    repair_allow_data_loss – minimum level of fixing errors detected by DBCC CHECKDB (LongShine).

    DBCC negotiation completed. If DBCC prints incorrect sales messages, contact your system administrator.

    i/o error bad page id detected during read at offse

    While reading 0x00000002100000 in file ‘E: SQL MSSQL data ls LongShine_Data.MDF’ an input error was encountered-output (defective sheet identifier).

    CHECKTABLE encountered 0 allocation errors and 40 consistency errors in diagram “C41” (object id 821577965).

    repair_allow_data_loss – minimum level of elimination of errors detected by DBCC CHECKTABLE (LongShine.dbo.C41).

    The DBA informed our company that he was trying to run a specific file and that repair_allow_data_loss is missing approximately sixty-one lines of data for that year that he is trying to query. I wanted to see if I could read all the actual data pages using just about any dbcc traceon (3406) (‘longshine, 1, AnyPageNumber, 1) page to collect the data, but I can’t. I would even try to build something that is, of course, impossible, or in case everything is possible. Does anyone in the market want to advise me or work with me on whether the data can be read and / or collected?

    The title of the question requires an indication of the problem.
    This is incredibly urgent as you can see this Sunday, and lately I’ve been organizing, not at home.

    The above issue is definitely related to the vch table_detail, which appears to be damaged overall. The various sql files applied to this desktop suggest that usually only a few lines are corrupted.

    i/o error bad page id detected during read at offse

    This is a detail table, device and master table is vch_master for Voucher_Nr, tag primary key and discovery date column is Voucher_Date. The Voucher_Date in vch_detail was written with Voucher_Date in the vch_master end result as a trigger. Note that I am restoring the absolute date (no time value).
    Vch_detail is bundled with a foreign key with vch_master (voucher_no, tag removal).

    My vch_master table is correct and
    select (space) vch_master
    display all data (12124 lines)

    Select vch_master in
    where Voucher_Nr + Tag is not with (select Voucher_Nr + Tag from vch_detail)
    would teach 12,124 verses. Unfortunately, vch_detail is considered corrupted.

    Now select * from vch_detail, resolve I / O errors
    select * from vch_detail where Voucher_no similar to ‘040%’ does not throw an error
    Select the 35382 most important * in vch_detail Don’t propagate the bug
    * choose from vch_detail
    where Voucher_Date < [any date] generates I / O errors

    I might want my vch_master table It was legal and it is currently not possible to use multiple good #s. from the wizard for which the parts lines are damaged in vch_detail combined with to restore vch_detail without this voucher. I’ll take these coupons again.

    The choice of SQL scripts / constructs is wide, so a certain type of SQL does not read the malicious page / area.

    Speed up your computer today with this simple download.

    Durante La Lettura In Modalità Offset, Si è Verificato Un Problema Con L’ID Pagina Errato Dell’errore I/O
    Al Leer En Modo De Compensación, Hubo Un Problema Con La Identificación De Página Incorrecta Del Error De E / S
    오프셋 모드에서 읽을 때 I/O 오류의 잘못된 페이지 ID에 문제가 있었습니다.
    Ao Ler No Modo De Deslocamento, Houve Um Problema Com O Id De Página Incorreto Do Erro De E / S
    Lors De La Lecture En Mode Offset, Il Y Avait Un Problème Avec Le Mauvais Identifiant De Page De L’erreur D’E/S
    När Du Läste I Offsetläge Uppstod Ett Problem Med Fel Sid-id För I/O-felet
    Beim Lesen Im Offset-Modus Gab Es Ein Problem Mit Der Falschen Seiten-ID Des I/O-Fehlers
    Bij Het Lezen In Offset-modus Was Er Een Probleem Met De Verkeerde Pagina-ID Van De I / O-fout
    При чтении в режиме смещения возникла проблема с неправильным идентификатором страницы ошибки ввода-вывода
    Podczas Odczytu W Trybie Offsetu Wystąpił Problem Z Nieprawidłowym Identyfikatorem Strony Błędu Wejścia/wyjścia