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Does Java Servlet Return XML Response?


Hope that in case you get an XML response from a Java Servlet on your PC, this user guide can help you fix it.


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    Return XML Response In Servlet

    In this sample application, we will show you how to return XML responses in a servlet application. This sample application has been tested and presented in the same article.

    Project structure

    Servlet class (

    Com.dineshkrish.service package;import;import;import javax.servlet.ServletException;import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;goods com.dineshkrish.pojo.import;import com.dineshkrish.util. * xmlconverter;/ ** * @ Posted by Dinesh Krishnan * * /Public class ProductService extends HttpServletpublic void doGet (HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse)throws ServletException, IOException// Define the PrintWriter objectPrintWriter with = response.getWriter ();// Determine the type of responseresponse.setContentType (“app / xml”);// Prepare the product objectProduct product = new product ();// fix attributesproduct.setProductCode (10001);product.setProductName (“pain”);product.setProductDescription (“Fresh bread”);// Convert objects to XML using the JAX-B API.out.println (XMLConverter.convert (product));out.close ();

    POJO Class (

    Com.dineshkrish.pojo package;import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement;/ ** ( A place ) * @ Posted by Dinesh Krishnan * * /@XmlRootElementPublic class productprivate product code;private integer string product name;private channel productDescription;public int getProductCode ()Product return code;public unnecessary setProductCode (int productCode)this.productCode = productCode;public th string getProductName ()The name of the returned item;public void setProductName (String productName)this.productName implies the name of the product;public string getProductDescription ()Return the product description;public gap setProductDescription (string productDescription)this.productDescription = productDescription;

    Object to XML Converter (

    Com.dineshkrish.util package;import;import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext;import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException;import javax.xml.bind.Marshaller;goods com.dineshkrish.pojo.import;/ ** * * @ Posted by Dinesh Krishnan * * /public class XMLConverterpublic static transformation (product-chain-product)StringWriter-Writer = new StringWriter ();if (product! = zero)TryJAXBContext context matches JAXBContext.newInstance (Product.class);Marshaller Marshaller = context.createMarshaller ();Marshaller.marshal (work, author);find (JAXBException e)e.printStackTrace ();return write.toString ();

    Application start page (index.html)

    XML Web Service

    Service Started …

    Configuration file (web.xml)

    WebService index.html product service com.dineshkrish.service.ProductService product service / getProduct



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    Tip: add something to your code. Servlets should not be imported from java.sql. Put this in a separate class in your code, demonstrate it, and have your servlet call its fair methods.

    java servlet return xml response

    You are creating XML in the most dangerous way, thus concatenating strings. Why not use a library like JDOM or StringBuilder?

    Here are some ideas you can think of to add. Start with an object model to create a Sale – eventually, the fantastic object-oriented Java language:

    java servlet return xml response

      package badservlet.model;public sale    personal saleId string;    one-line homeId;    private string agentId;    Private channel client ID;    public sale (saleId string, homeId string, agentId string, customerId string)        Herd string getSaleId ()            Restore sales ID;        public string getHomeId ()            Return homeId;        public string getAgentId ()            Return agent ID;        GetCustomerId () character string            Get client ID;        @ Crush    public string toString ()            Visit your Sales Blog +               "venteId = '" + venteId +'  '' +               ", homeId = '" + homeId +'  '' +               ", agentId = '" + agentId +'  '' +               ", customerId = '" + customerId +'  '' +               '';     
      package badservlet.persistence;import badservlet.model.Sale;import java.sql.SQLException;import java.util.List;SaleDao public interface    List  find () throws SQLException; 
      package badservlet.persistence;import badservlet.model.Sale;import javax.sql.DataSource;import java.sql.Connection;import java.sql.ResultSet;import java.sql.SQLException;import java.sql statement;import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.List;public training class SaleDaoImpl implements SaleDao    the only onei have a static final row SELECT_ALL_SQL = "SELECT sale_id, agent_id, home_id, customer_id FROM sale";    private port of connection;    public arrest SaleDaoImpl (login link)            this.connection = connection;        public SaleDaoImpl (DataSource dataSource) throws SQLException            this (dataSource.getConnection ());        Most people from List  find () throw SQLException            List  allSales = new ArrayList  ();        St = null;        ResultSet = urs null;        Try                    Holy = this.connection.createStatement ();            Player = st.executeQuery (SELECT_ALL_SQL);            (rs ())                            String saleId = rs.getString ("sale_id");                String homeId Rs = .getString ("home_id");                The agentId string includes rs.getString ("agent_id");                String customerId = rs.getString ("customer_id");                Sale Sale = new sale (SaleId, HomeId, AgentId, KundenId);                allSales.add (sales);                            catch (SQLException e)                   e.printStackTrace ();                in the end                    try on an instance (rs! = null) rs.close (); catch (SQLException e) e. printstacktrace (); let's see if (st! = null) st.close (); catch (SQLException e) e.printStackTrace ();                Return of all sales;     

    java servlet return xml response

      package badservlet.xml;import badservlet.model.Sale;import org.jdom.Document;import org.jdom.Element;import org.jdom.transform.JDOMResult;import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException;import javax.xml.transform.Result;import java.util.List;public class SaleUnmarshaller    public void unmarshal (object-object, xml result) has a JAXBException            List  object allSales = (List );        Document Document = another document (new item ("Sales"));        for (profit from sales: allSales)                    Subsidiary = new product ("sale");            child.setAttribute ("identifier", sale.getSaleId ());            child.addContent (new element ("home", sale.getHomeId ()));            child.addContent (new element ("agent", sale.getAgentId ()));           Child .addContent (new element ("customer", sale.getCustomerId ()));            document.addContent (child);                New result JDOMResult = JDOMResult ();        result.setDocument (document);        xml = result;     

    This may sound more complicated – there are a little more classes than one – but you can potentially accomplish two things: you break your worries into smaller pieces that you can easily test individually.



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