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Tips To Fix Msxml3.dll Memory Leak


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    Here are some simple steps that can help you fix msxml3.dll memory leak issue.

    • Question

    • Hello

      In our application, we use msxml3.dll to load and parse all typical XML documents (i.e. there will be about 40 files of 30 KB each).

      First, I load the IXMLDOMDocument :: load () XML document, doing a bit of work for you, and the loaded report descriptor is stored in the global IXMLDOMDocument object. Before loading the XML document, I’ll globally hide the IXOMDOMDocument handle and just reuse it. again to load another XML file. The What ixmldom document was created like any generic file for sharing.

      After loading 40 XML files a couple of times, I have combined them and fully parsed them. After doing something, I reloaded the XML pages, but here’s the problem. The XML documents were recently loaded into memory and were just not using the existing heap of memory since msxml3.

      To test this, I created a small program to parse the XML of a large file, and here it seems to be reusing a bunch of msxml garbage.

      #include “stdafx.h”
      #include “MsXml2.h”
      #include “AtlBase.h”

      char arrDocName [] = “E: XMLFiles XXX.xml”;

      Class A

      IXMLDOMDocument * m_pDoc;

      A ()

      m_pDoc = NULL;

      ~ A ()

      m_pDoc-> Release ();


      int _tmain (int argc, _TCHAR * argv [])

      VARIANT_BOOL bIsSuccessful implies false;
      int = testLoop;

      CoInitialize (NULL);
      testLoop 0;


      A * a matches new A ();
      CoCreateInstance (CLSID_DOMDocument, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,
      IID_IXMLDOMDocument, (void **) & a-> m_pDoc);
      a-> m_pDoc-> load (CComVariant (arrDocName), & bIsSuccessful);
      delete one;
      even if (testLoop ++ <5);

      Return 0;

      msxml3.dll memory leak

      Tell me why?

      Is there something I need to sort out correctly?

    msxml3.dll memory leak

    In the application, we use msxml3.dll to load and parse all XML documents (i.e. about 40 files of 30 KB each).

    First, I load the XML document written with the IXMLDOMDocument :: load () function and process it because the loaded document is contained in the surrounding IXMLD objectOMDocument. Before loading each XML record, I globally free the handle to get the IXOMDOMDocument and then use it again. again when it comes to loading another XML file. The What ixmldom document is so global that it can be used by several functions.

    Once I downloaded all 25 XML files and parsed them completely. After setting aside time for a few operations, I changed the location of the XML documents, but here’s the problem. XML documents were recently loaded into memory and did not use the sentence memory heap msxml3.

    To test this method, I wrote a small program to parse an XML file, and here this method seems to be reusing the msxml garbage.


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    A * a = new A ();
    CoCreateInstance (CLSID_DOMDocument, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,
    IID_IXMLDOMDocument, (void **) & a-> m_pDoc);
    a-> m_pDoc-> load (CComVariant (arrDocName), & bIsSuccessful);
    delete one;
    time (testLoop ++ <5);

    The Answers

    • The Gabage collection is an excellent internal MSXML mechanism for memory management,which should be transparent to the user. If the personal code has no MSXML reference, the GC might actually remove it at some point. You shouldn’t rely on garbage collection logic to determine when The definition of a target that is not referenced has not yet been cleared because that memory has not yet been cleared.

      In your case, you can explicitly release the reference to the DOM document in each loop, so that when you delete it, it is actually marked and cannot be reused, and the next time you have to reload the MSXML as an XML file. the document was changed earlier between two Iterate and MSXML when reloading and parsing the DOM to reflect the entire new version of the XML file.

      If your family wants to reuse the DOM, your company code must contain a reference to the DOM document object. Until you need to, let go, you can reuse that thought as many times as you like.

      A a;
      CoCreateInstance (CLSID_DOMDocument, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,
      IID_IXMLDOMDocument, (void **) & a.m_pDoc);
      a.m_pDoc-> load (CComVariant (arrDocName), // you & disclaimer);
      You can reuse content in different iterations!
      time (testLoop ++ <5);

      Your integrity, our passion.

    The Gabage collection is MSXML, an internal memory management mechanism that should be more transparent to the user. If your code does not reference the MSXML for the object, the GC can still easily remove it. You shouldn’t rely on garbage collection logic to help you when determine that an unreferenced object remains in memory so that it has not yet been deleted.

    In your last resort, you explicitly include a reference to the DOM document in every loop so that it can be marked as deleted and non-reusable, and at the next moment MSXML has to reload the document. Imagine that it appears that the xml file was changed between Iteration and MSXML should be reloaded with DOM parsing to reflect the new set of XML file.

    Seriously, if you really want to reuse the DOM, waw the code must include a reference to the DOM parser object. As long as you are not playing the game, you can use it as many times as you like.

    A a;
    CoCreateInstance (CLSID_DOMDocument, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,
    IID_IXMLDOMDocument, (void **) & a.m_pDoc);
    a.m_pDoc-> load (CComVariant (arrDocName), & bIsSuccessful);
    // You can reuse the document for different iterations!
    time (testLoop ++ <5);

    Speed up your computer today with this simple download.

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