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FIX: Nhibernate Error When Multiple Criteria Are Met


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    You may encounter an nhibernate error when multiple criteria are met. Coincidentally, there are different steps you can take to fix this problem, so let’s talk about it now.


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    1.1. Getting Started With NHibernate

    NHibernate usually works best with Plain Old CLR objects (POCOs, sometimes called Plain Ordinary CLR Objects) The programming model for persistent classes. POCO has data available through standard .NET properties or host mechanisms. Protect my internal public interface representation:

    History Of The NHibernate Entity And Framework

    NHibernate is typically a port of Hibernate with Java, one of the oldest object-relational mapping modules (ORMs) and the most respected. It has been around since 2003 and has recently been completely developed by the community without any umbrella or sponsoring company. It has always been made available publicly under the GNU Lesser General Public License.

    nhibernate error executing multi criteria

    Efficient Query Collection With NHibernate

    Introduction to NHibernateSimple single table queries with nhibernate childSetting up collections with NHibernateReplace Equals, GetHashCode and database design with NHibernate.Query collections efficiently with persistent NHibernate objects in a database using NHibernate.

    Introduction To NHibernate

    One O/RM that stands out in particulareletsya and only partially meets all the criteria mentioned above, or another – the NHibernate layout. NHibernate is a .NET project heavily based on the Java-based Hibernate framework. Hibernate 1.0 was released in 2002. A fallback to NHibernate version 1.0 occurred in 2005. It enjoyed good distribution and use, although it was an interim release for some time before it followed. At the time of writing, NHibernate is about four years old. This reminds me of another aspect of a particularly good O/RM that I consider to be: the search for maturity. Building a good O/RM is not a trivial task, so maturity and capability are important characteristics of an O/RM. NHibernate is one of the oldest and most active O/RM frameworks for .NET.

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