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Tips To Fix Full Command Not Found Compdef

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    You may encounter the error that the complete compdef command could not be found. There are several ways to solve this problem, so we’ll talk about them shortly.



    It depends on your default shell (for login) for software, for terminal, for iTerm. Using an updated bash and configured to run in their associated version will produce different results.

    This error occurs during point file installation. These are files with a dot in the main section (hence the name), for example .bashrc . This invisible method is for the Finder with a simple ls .The dot files in the read question are taken from your shell if it starts up. They contain settings, instructions, settings; possibly small fragments of program code.

    Not all dot files on your user’s home site are shell readable.Those who have read bash include: .bash_history .bash_profile .bash_prompt .bash_sessions .bashrc .editorconfig .exports . functions .inputrc .profile (this area is not exhaustive)

    These files may have been created by you or you may have manipulated them using certain programs such as Fink, Homebrew or Ports.Maybe you just ckcopied them, including from the Internet, to “update” / customize their shell.

    However, you have developed the current scenario. Have someone open your Terminal / iTerm as symptoms are unlikely to always be visible.

    This means that all of these files can be safely deleted in the broadest sense: with the understanding that they are not strictly necessary to speed up your terminal or your shell. Safely back up these settings in case they do contain custom settings that you can rely on in your day-to-day work. Examples of additions to your $ PATH variables. Without it, you might find programs that Fink no longer uses.

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      The combined content of all point files did not do what it should. More complete: a statement (compdef) was called and the experts claimed it was not available.

    • That you most likely have a lot of point files somewhere on the net, like Holman’s point files.It included all kinds of mistakes that exactly the old state of affairs had. Communication about an error.

    So, you should search all of your current user’s dot files and only save the elements that you recognize as needed (remember about backups). You can then reuse the updated files from your purchase yourself. But remember, they are quite “complete”. It would be convenient not to use them all blindly, but to test and select a subset with all these parameters.

    Their blind or indiscriminate use can only lead to considerations similar to the one in which this question arises. But keep this in mind even if you follow other guides or troubleshooting tips.

    Update:This answer was given to an earlier version of the question that no longer listed zsh as the shell to use. -> Replace zsh where you read Attack above.

    I have installed zsh and o my zsh on Ubuntu 18.04. I want to work with autocomplete for kubectl. So I have extended the <(kubectl Completion zsh) source code to the current ~ / .zshrc file. Order

      completed: 13: not found: compdef 

    The kubectl entries indicate that if you usually get the above error, you should run the .file with the following:

      autoload zshrc -Uz compinitcomplicity 

    After starting and restarting the terminal, I get the same error message.

    In some problems with git, I found the following people who helped me in addition to the general problem:

      # This will take chmod g-w for each file returned, only to remove the write groupAudit in | xargs -I% chmod g-w "%"# This needs to be done for every file returned by compaudit to the current user (Windows and therefore Linux)Review | xargs -I% chown $ USER "%"# Delete all dump files (which usually speeds up initialization)rm ~ / .zcompdump *# Recover batch file to completecomplicity 
      kubescript: 12457: not expanded: _bash_comp 

    Unfortunately, this did not solve my situation. What else can I do to resolve my personal problem? Or: what can I do to find out that there is no doubt?

    This is actually the same problem I have with the Mac OS group. I am using shell ku ZSH.

    Compdef will be the base function that zsh just uses to load autocomplete. The closure scheme must be activated. This is usually done by something like oh-my-zsh. Otherwise, you need to add the following to your ~ / .zshrc

      autoload -Uz compinitcomplicity 

    Completion functions can be registered manually with the compdef function, just like this particular compdef. But compile time should be automatically loaded into the context before using compdef.

    This is the same problem I have with Mac OS. I am using zsh shell.

    compdef is essentially a function used by the zsh process to load autocomplete. The pass system must be activated. Usually if you are using something like oh-my-zsh this is already done, otherwise you will need to add the following to your ~ / .zshrc

      autoload -Uz compinitcomplicity 

    Completion functions can be saved directly to this compdef by hand using the compdef function. However, compinit must be loaded in context before using compdef.

    After some more research, I found a great answer. In nThe .zprofile file had a block:

      Export NVM_DIR = "/ Users / Aaron / .nvm"[-s "$ NVM_DIR /"] && . "$ NVM_DIR /" # This will load nvm[-advertising "$ NVM_DIR / bash_completion"] && . "$ NVM_DIR / bash_completion" 

    The last step is to load compdef. But when this happens, there is a kind of conflict. All I had to do was comment:

      # [-s "$ NVM_DIR / bash_completion"] && . "$ NVM_DIR / bash_completion" 

    And just the annoying error disappeared. And the most efficient part: I always have closing zsh accounts. Would be

    complete command not found compdef

    I have the same problem. After doing some homework, I discovered that the nvm snippet of code that appeared in the .zshrc file (could also be .zprofile) was causing this problem.

      Export NVM_DIR = "/ Users / Aaron / .nvm"[-s "$ NVM_DIR /"] && . "$ NVM_DIR /" # This will load nvm[-s "$ NVM_DIR / bash_completion"] && . "$ NVM_DIR / bash_completion" 

    As suggested in many other answers, commenting on the third line fixes the problem, but oddly enough, the ending will no longer be available for purchase for nvm orders.

    The real problem lies in the bash_completion script:

    complete command not found compdef

      # padded with bash inline, but moreits newer versions of ZSH have a function# is called bashcompinit, which creates a complete file in ZSH. If the user is ZSH, inLoad # to run bashcompinit before calling the global function.if [[-n $ ZSH_VERSION-]]; So  autoload + X -u bashcompinit && bashcompinitFi 

    But to visit bashcompinit, compinit must be called before you, which at the moment it is not.

    If you want to shutdown nvm, you can simply call compinit yourself before running the script.

      autoload -Uz compinitcompinit -iexport NVM_DIR = "/Users/Aaron/.nvm"[-s "$ NVM_DIR /"] && . "$ NVM_DIR /" # This will load nvm[-s "$ NVM_DIR / bash_completion"] && . "$ NVM_DIR / bash_completion" 

    The -i option tells Compinit to ignore all unsafe data files and directories, which can prevent further errors in the future.



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