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How To Fix Database Error Code 102?


If you notice database error code 102, this guide will help you.


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    g.This error occurs whenever you are using Adaptive Server IBM Power Systems RS / 6000, eServer p5, and i5 and are running Power3 or higher processors – AIX 6.1 TL 8 SP2 or higher. Supports TCP. I / O Completion Port API – Must remain installed and available on your computer to run SAP ASE. ›html document› jon1256241632272 System Requirements – Sybase Infocenter – SAP encounters a syntax error in a Transact-SQL ® command or query. This error can occur in the following cases: The keyword is often misspelled. You used a variable to get the name of the database and your request contained a parser error. Error 102 is incremented because the package was never executed.




    • 2 who would read the protocol


    attribute value
    Product name SQL Server
    Event ID 102
    Event Source MSSQLSERVER
    component SQL Engine
    Simvolic name P_SYNTAXERR2
    Message text Incorrect format next to ‘%. * ls’.


    Indicates a syntax error. No further communication is available because an error has caused the Database Engine to be unable to process your current statement.

    May be caused by an attempt to exit a symmetric key with outdated RC4 or RC4_128 encryption, otherwise in 90 or possibly 100 compatibility mode.

    Action To Create Users

    database error code 102

    If using a symmetric key with RC4 or RC4_128, specify a newer encryption, for example, in the sense of AES algorithms. (Recommended.) If you must use rc4, ALTER DATABASE SET COMPATIBILITY_LEVEL to set the database compatibility level to 90 or 100 (not recommended).

    This must be a weird question, I’m sorry to have it tomorrow morning. I actually spent some time researching and analyzing our discount code. We have a job that calls a hosted procedure that fetches data and cell phone calls and then other stored procedures (named someThe first steps are retrieved using select statements as they may differ). In contrast to these stored procedures, it calls about 20,000 out of 10,000 cases (different summaries), just different types of parameters. These stored procedures retrieve some data and then insert it into our database.

    It worked great in Microsoft SQL Server. But in 2005 everyone was updating SQL Server 2012 for some time (11.0.3000 and 0) and this issue seems to have been around since then, or we just didn’t know about it before.

      Run as user: #DATABASEUSER_RMV_FOR_STACKOVERFLOW. Incorrect format next to ")".[SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 102) Incorrect syntax near ")".[SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 102) Incorrect syntax near ")".[SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 102) Incorrect syntax near ")".[SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 102) Incorrect syntax near ")".[SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 102) Incorrect syntax near ")".[SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 102) Invalid syntax regarding ")".[SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 102) Invalid format next to ")".[SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 102) Incorrect syntax near ")".[SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 102) Incorrect syntax near ")".[SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 102). The movement failed. 

    I know this is very little information, but our scripts are still quite detailed. I would also like to ask what some would do with you to solve the problem.


    Are you tired of your computer running slow? Annoyed by frustrating error messages? ASR Pro is the solution for you! Our recommended tool will quickly diagnose and repair Windows issues while dramatically increasing system performance. So don't wait any longer, download ASR Pro today!

    I looked at the scripts to see if it was possible to test some of them (b / c the whole script should take about an hour … (this is evening work)). Dry runs worked well. In addition, we have practically no opening brackets and the business is always closed. As soon as it receives the data, the program crashes with this error after an hour of execution …

    • Dry varies (no actual data loading, but almost all stored procedures are called) – success
    • With the correct name, the main store process directly (not as a job) shouldn’t work either.
    • Reading media error codes – ok, no mount errors found
    • Run with different users: db-admin, user – didn’t work either
    • Search Google / Stackoverflow / for a bit on Stackexchange in general.

    It looks like everything the script needs to do was done correctly and completely, so we don’t understand why it doesn’t return “Successful” and doesn’t giveus the above error message.

    I suppose there might now be a field that normally contains an escape character … does that make sense?

    At what point can I set a full breakpoint to stop the execution of the script as soon as such an “error” occurs, and show me what the evidence is for this error … for example, debugging in Visual My Studio?

    database error code 102

    Often the main question is: could you give me some advice / help on how best to resolve this error? What should I do ?


    database error code 102

     ;- nocount Insert surgical treatment statements hereDECLARE @userId INTDECLARE @fullHistory BITSELECT @userId implies userIdFROM MON_SCHEME.dbo.USERSWHERE Username = 'SOME_NAME'SET @fullHistory is 0RUN MY_SCHEME.dbo.spStartMyNightlyJob @ userId = @ userId, @ processFullHistory = @ fullHistory 


      [dbo]. [spStartMyNightlyJob]    @userId INT,    @processFullHistory BITAS? 'OR' WHATBEGIN    INSTALL ACCOUNT    DECLARE @logReport VARCHAR (255)    SET @logReport = 'NightlyJob'    INSERT INTO TEMP_LOGREPORT (text, report) VALUES ('====================================== = ================================================= = == = =========== ', @logReport)    INSERT INTOTEMP_LOGREPORT (text, report) VALUES ('NightlyJob started at + CAST (GETDATE () AS VARCHAR), @logReport)    INSERT INTO TEMP_LOGREPORT (text, report) VALUES ('====================================== = ================================================= = = =========== ', @logReport)    DECLARE taskCursor CURSOR LOCAL FAST_FORWARD READ_ONLY FOR        CHOOSE            r.taskId, link.Id, i.Description, link.externalId,, rdir.fromDB, rdir.toDB,            rdef.procedureName, rfs.fillStrategyId, rp.parameterId        FROM MA_TACHE r        OUTSIDE LEFT Some_table_1 join link        ON r.LinkId matches link.LinkId        LEFT OUTER SEAL i some_table_2 ON link.Id = i.Id        LEFT OUTER JOIN some_table_3_TASK_DEFINITIR ondef        R on.taskDefinitionId = rdef.taskDefinitionId        LEFT OUTER JOIN some_table_4_TASK_DIRECTION rdir        ON rdef.directionId = rdir.directionId        LEFT OUTER JOIN some_table_5_FILL_STRATEGY rfs        ON rdef.fillStrategyId is rfs.fillStrategyId        LEFT JOIN external some_table_6_PARAMETER rp        ON rdef.parameterId = rp.parameterId        Or "Active" means 1       And rdef.taskDefinitionId DON'T LIKE 17    DECLARE @taskId INT    DECLARE @someOtherId INT    DECLARE @someOtherName VARCHAR (255)    DECLARE @externalSomeOtherId INT    DECLARE @taskName VARCHAR (50)    DECLARE @fromDB VARCHAR (50)    DECLARE @toDB VARCHAR (50)    DECLARE @storedProcedure VARCHAR (100)    DECLARE @fillStrategyId INT    DECLARE @parameterId INT    Open taskCursor    GET NEXT FROM taskCursor    V        @taskId, @someOtherId, @someOtherName, @externalSomeOtherId, @taskName, @fromDB, @toDB, @storedProcedure,        @fillStrategyId, @parameterId    WHILE @@ FETCH_STATUS = 0 START        INSERT INTO TEMP_LOGREPORT (text, report) VALUES ('--------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------ - -------------- ', @logReport)        INSERT INTO TEMP_LOGREPORT (text, report) VALUES ('Task in progress:' + @taskName, @logReport)        INSERT INTO TEMP_LOGREPORT (text, report) VALUES ('Night work between:' + @fromDB + lol -> '+ @toDB, @logReport)        INSERT INTO TEMP_LOGREPORT (text, report) VALUES ('Execution procedure: haya + @storedProcedure, @logReport)        INSERT INTO TEMP_LOGREPORT (text, report) VALUES ('Involved:' + @someOtherName + woul ('+ CAST (@someOtherId AS VARCHAR) +') ', @logReport)        START @storedProcedure @someOtherId, @externalSomeOtherId, @fillStrategyId, @parameterId, @userId, @processFullHistory        INSERT INTO TEMP_LOGREPORT (text, report) VALUES ('', @logReport)        SET @taskId is NULL        SET @someOtherId = NULL        SET @someOtherName = NULL        SET @externalSomeOtherId = NULL        SET @taskName = NULL        SET @fromDB = NULL        SET @toDB = NULL        SET @storedProcedure is equivalent to NULL        SET @fillStrategyId = NULL        SET @parameterId = NULL        GET NEXT FROM taskCursor        V            @taskId, @taskId, @someOtherName, @externalSomeOtherId, @taskName, @fromDB, @toDB, @storedProcedure,            @fillStrategyId, @parameterId    END    CLOSE task cursor    DEALLOCATE Cursor task    VPUT IN TEMP_LOGREPORT (text, report) VALUES ('==================================== = = ================================================= = = =========== ', @logReport)    INSERT INTO TEMP_LOGREPORT (text, report) VALUES ('NightlyJob ends with' + CAST (GETDATE () AS VARCHAR), @logReport)    INSERT INTO TEMP_LOGREPORT (text, report) VALUES ('====================================== = ================================================= = == =========== ', @logReport)    RETURN 0END 

    Then it opens up to 24 different stored procedures, depending on which tasks were “posed” each evening.

      EXECUTE @storedProcedure @someOtherId also, @externalSomeOtherId, @fillStrategyId, @parameterId, @userId, @processFullHistory 



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