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Troubleshooting Tips For MySQL SQL Error 1248

If you see MySQL SQL error 1248, this tutorial will help you.


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    You must provide an alias for all your inline mood / view tables in MySQL, even if they are nested. In your code, you are using a view in the following view, but you seem to have forgotten to mention the alias for your company’s internal view.

    MYSQL ERROR 1248 (42000): Each view must have its own nickname.

    I could not understand why this was a mistake

      SELECT * FROMCHOOSEc.city_id,p.prop_ynow_id,Object id p.,p.prop_add_value,name,Drawing,ifnull (p.address, '') as 'place',ifnull (city, '') as 'ville',ifnull (shortcut, '') as "State",ifnull (, '') as `zip`,min (if (pr.minrent implies 0.9999999, pr.minrent)) as minrent,max (pr.maxrent) as maxrent,'' during the service,Hood_id,ifnull (, '') as 'phone',Huge,Longitude,min (CAST (pu.fullBath AS UNSIGNED)) as `minbath`,max (CAST (pu.fullBath AS UNSIGNED)) as `maxbath`,min (CAST (pu.Bed AS UNSIGNED)) as `minbed`,max (CAST (pu.Bed AS UNSIGNED)) as `maxbed`,'' as a URL,'as source_id,'Source name,'' as well as the address code,'' as area code,almost like ctime,'' as paid,like Similar_url,like created_at,mainly because update_at,as the name of the city,'' as service_listing_idFROMwiki_city_list they will join Propertyinfo p at c.city_id = p.cityjoin ynow_rentwiki.Property_Unitlayout Please take away p.prop_ynow_id = pu.P_Identjoin (SELECT CAST (substring_index (if (Rent> 0, Rent, RentLow), '.', 1) AS UNSIGNED) as minrent, CAST (substring_index (if (Loyer> 0, Rent, Renthigh), '.', 1 )) AS UNSIGNED) as maxrent, PRE_Ident, P_Ident, UNL_Ident, RTY_Ident from ynow_rentwiki.Property_rents, where P_Ident in 4576, (3958, 4577) and (Rent! = '' And also (low! = '' And Renthigh! = ' ')))) as page rank on pu.UNL_Ident = pr.UNL_IdentJoin state s on (p.state matches s.stateid OR p.state = s.ShortCut)ORpu.Status = 'Active'and p.delete_date = '0000-00-00'BY GROUPc.city_id,p.prop_ynow_idUNIONCHOOSEc.city_id,p.prop_ynow_id,Object id p.,p.prop_add_value,name,Drawing,ifnull (p.address, '') as 'place',ifnull (city, '') as 'ville',ifnull (shortcut, '') as "State",ifnull (, '') as `zip`,min (if (pr.minrent matches 0.99999999, pr.minrent)) as minrent,max (pr.maxrent) as maxrent,'for the reason that the serviceHood_id,ifnull (, '') as 'phone',Huge,Longitude,min (CAST (pu.fullBath AS UNSIGNED)) as `minbath`,max (CAST (pu.fullBath AS UNSIGNED)) as `maxbath`,min (CAST (pu.Bed AS UNSIGNED)) as `minbed`,max (CAST (pu.Bed AS UNSIGNED)) as `maxbed`,'' as a URL,'as source_id,'Source name,'' although as an address code'' as area code,like ctime,'' paid,like Similar_url,'like created_at,'' the_update_at,as the name of the city,'' as service_listing_idFROMwiki_city_list c participate in Propertyinfo p at c.city_id = p.cityjoin ynow_rentwiki.Property_Unitlayout Please take away p.prop_ynow_id = pu.P_Identjoin (SELECT CAST (substring_index (if (Rent> 0, Rent, RentLow), '.', 1) AS UNSIGNED) as minrent, CAST (substring_index (if (Loyer> 0, Rent, Renthigh), '.', 1 )) AS UNSIGNED) as maxrent, PRE_Ident, P_Ident, UNL_Ident, RTY_Ident from ynow_rentwiki Where property_rents P_Ident is in (9744) and (Rent! = '' Or (Rentlow! = '' And Renthigh! = ''))) As pr to pu.UNL_Ident = pr.UNL_IdentJoin point s at (p.state = s.stateid OR p.state = s.ShortCut)ORpu.Status = 'Active'and p.delete_date = '0000-00-00'BY GROUPc.city_id, p.prop_ynow_idUNIONSELECT AS''prop_ynow_id,id as a property identifier,0 as prop_add_value, as a name,'' as an image,t. address as location,T. a city as a city,see ShortCut as a state, is essentially zip,CAST (REPLACE (REPLACE (t.price, '$', ''), ',', '') as UNSIGNED) although minrent,like Maxrent,t. service as a service,'' available as Hood_id,like a phone,t latitude in latitude,t. longitude as longitude,i.e. there are bathrooms in minbad,like maxbad,t. the room is like a bed,like maxbed,t.url as a URL,t.source_id as source_id,t.source_name in the view that source_name,t.addresscode as an address code,t.citycode as city code,t.ctime is ctime,i.e. paid as paid,t.similar_url, although Similar_url,t.created_at as created_at,t.updated_at as updated_at,SUBSTRING_INDEX (c.city_name, '_', 1) mainly because city_name,t.service_listing_id is essentially service_listing_idDE LBCPrimary.third_party_properties as t, LBCPrimary.wiki_city_list as, LBCPrimary.state as sORt.stadt in ('230')andAddress <> '', = c.city_id andc.city_state = s.stateidorder at t.ctimedescriptionLimit 46 as limit 0.50 


    Write any type of query in MySQL and get the big error “1248: Each view must have its own alias”? If so, then this is a good, reliable, and simple error that can be corrected.

    How To FixMySQL “Each View Must Have Its Own Alias” Error

    So you have a specific bug in MySQL. How to solve this problem?

    The short answer you want is to give your subqueries an alias in your company’s SELECT statement. The alias for adding the FROM term subquery after the closing curly brace.

    This is not required in 3rd party SQL, but MySQL requires you to create an alias for your current subqueries.

    Derived Table Example

    A Derived Chart is a SELECT subquery in the FROM clause of your main query. It helps, like a table, because it contains articles and returns rows. For example, it might be the old location of the table in some kind of FROM clause. It is often recognized as an inline view or simply as a specific subquery.

      SELECT client_ville,COUNT (*) AS order_count,SUM (order_amount) AS order_sumFROM (  SELECT o.order_id,  o.Kunde_Stadt,  o.order_amount ORDERS  INNER JOIN member c ON o.customer_id = c.customer_id)GROUP BY Customer_City;  

    This query finds the location, the number of orders associated with the order invoices, and the total Accounts of orders from tables of orders and customers.

    The request has an outer request and a body request. An internal query is used to find data about orders and customers:

    How do you fix Every derived table must have its own alias?

    How do I fix them? Short answer: you really want to use aliases for your subqueries in your SELECT statement. In the subquery of the FROM clause, add a strong alias after the closing parenthesis. Various SQL vendors do not require this, but MySQL requires you to provide aliases for your subqueries along the way.

      SELECT o.order_id, o.customer_city, o.order_amountORDERSINNER JOIN customer f ON o.customer_id = c.customer_id  

    In this case, the data is initially taken from two tables, which are combined into a common row of work. This is a “derived table”.

    The outer topic selects multiple columns prior to this subquery. Marketing information does not come from an array, but from the results of this subquery.

    How do you derive a table in SQL?

    A derived table is a specific table expression that appears in the FROM clause of a query. You can manipulate views if using Hug you aliases is not possible because the SQL translator processes another term if known before the alias.

      SELECT client_ville,COUNT (*) AS order_count,SUM (order_amount) AS order_sumFROM (...)GROUP BY Customer_City;  

    What is error 1248 in MySQL?

    MYSQL ERROR 1248 (42000): Each view must have its own nickname.

    It shows customer_city, two combined skills, and city groups.

      SELECT client_ville,COUNT (*) AS order_count,SUM (order_amount) AS order_sumFROM (  SELECT o.order_id,  o.Kunde_Stadt,  o.order_amount Delivery of AB from  INTERNAL customer CONNECTION c ON o.customer_id = c.customer_id)GROUP BY Customer_City;  

    Error 1248: Each view must have its own alias

    Solution For “Every View Must Have An Alias”

    The reason for this error The point is that in MySQL, every dining view (a subquery that is a SELECT query) must have an alias.

    In the sample query, there was no alias for your subquery here. The alias of the absolute subquery is the same as the alias of the channel. These are the closing parentheses of the FROM clause for a general subquery. B

    So, in this example, we just need to add an alias after the closing parenthesis to fix this error.

    An alias can be almost anything that interests you: a single letter, a word, several letters. I often use the word “under” when it is a small query (for a subquery), and something more descriptive when it is a longer specific query.

    How do you fix Every derived table must have its own alias?

    How to fix it? No doubt the short answer is that you need to give your subqueries an alias in your SELECT statement. Add the alias to the subquery of the FROM clause after the closing parenthesis. Other SQL providers do not require this, but MySQL expects you to create an alias for your subqueries.

      SELECT client_ville,COUNT (*) AS order_count,SUM (order_amount) AS order_sumFROM (  SELECT o.order_id,  o.Kunde_Stadt,  o.order_amount ORDERS  INNER JOIN customer c ON o.customer_id implies c.customer_id) underGROUP BY Customer_City;  

    What does Every derived table must have its own alias?

    Each derived bed (AKA subquery) must have all aliases. This means that each request in parentheses should be given an alias (regardless of AS) that can be used to refer to the situation in the rest of the interface request.

    Notice how the word “sub” is added on the penultimate line after the parentheses are closed? This is your alias for a subquery or view. This alias is required in MySQL but ignored Other suppliers.


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    This query should work and no longer receive the “Each table retrieved must have its own alias” error message.

    Optional: Add The AS Keyword

    You can add the AS keyword as this is a great optional part of adding an alias, but it’s up to you. If it still works:

    mysql sql error 1248

      SELECT client_ville,COUNT (*) AS order_count,SUM (order_amount) AS order_sumFROM (  SELECT o.order_id,  o.Kunde_Stadt,  o.order_amount ORDERS  INTERNAL customer CONNECTION c ON o.customer_id = c.customer_id) AS-SubGROUP BY Customer_City;  

    mysql sql error 1248

    You can fix this derived table alias error in the same way. Add an alias to your subquery.

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    Error 1248 De Mysql Sql
    MySQL SQL 오류 1248
    Ошибка SQL SQL 1248
    Błąd MySQL Sql 1248
    Erreur SQL SQL 1248
    MySQL-SQL-Fehler 1248
    Mysql SQL-fel 1248
    Mysql SQL-fout 1248
    Errore SQL MySQL 1248
    Erro SQL 1248 Do MySQL