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Troubleshooting Tips Troubleshooting Slow Internet Access

You may see an error code indicating that slow internet access will be fixed. There are several ways to solve this problem, so we’ll come back to this a little later.


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    g.Clean up your site code. Remove unnecessary elements such as spaces, comments, and embedded spaces.Check your main PHP version.MySQL Server: Find Slow Execution Concerns.Analyze slow website content.Increase the overall performance of your site.Check your content.


    When troubleshooting slow applications, I understand two main reasons why we blame the network.

    • The first reason comes from history: in the 1990s and 2000s, each network was often a bottleneck. Also, people are used to saying that “the network is very slow.”
    • The second reason is more complex and also has to do with the structure of organizations or their IT departments; Let’s focus on the person!

    To find an explanation for this, we need to look at how the IT department addresses performance issues to get them into the network / infrastructure group.

    Troubleshooting slow apps always seems like a network command

    Why Does Troubleshooting Slow Applications Seem To Belong To The Network Team Rather Than Other IT Professionals?

    The network group is by definition transversal: all application flows go through the entire network (see red dots on the map above), and the network is one of the few IT elements that can be the main cause of the slowdown associated with:

    • Application
    • One or more sites
    • Data center
    • Fog service.
    • User
    • Single Server
    • Multiple Applications …

    Regardless of how the organization is organized and how well the IT teams work together, in most cases the networking team is responsible for troubleshooting slow applications.

    Various Types Of Application Crawling Slowdown

    Let’s see how invisible the complaints are, depending on the type of damage and, in addition, on the type of userme:

    • To selectively slow down a specific application, the end user contacts:
      • Customer Support
      • Small Business Network / Infrastructure Team
      • Rarely for Development Team …
    • In case of recurring performance degradation, the process changes because the situation has been repeatedly passed through the helpdesk and the way it is handled has gone directly to this networkgroup.
      • If a degradation affects the performance of a specific company, the network team oversees the troubleshooting and, in some rare cases, together with the development team.
      • If deterioration affects middle management, some in the same way, it can definitely be passed on to the network team.

    In any case, the networking team will take care of the performance degradation cases, although the cause will likely be investigated elsewhere.

    Specific Reasons For Slow Applications

    You have just interviewed our clients. The most common reasons for application delays are:

    1. Server is overloaded
    2. The database application is running too slowly or is writing negatively.
    3. Load balancing issues (server overload)
    4. Slow web request
    5. Slow coding of the application.
    6. DNS configuration problem.
    7. Network performance issue

    How do you troubleshoot application slowness?

    Analyze the type of deceleration. Knowing the slowness of the method can help you understand the real cause of the problem.Check the server is working. Server problems are a common cause of slow applications.Investigate client-side issues.Write an absolutely decent knowledge base.

    For more information, see the Top Ten Reasons for Slow Internet Connections.

    1 out of 7 refers to the network, 2 out of 7 factors are most often associated with 7 if we consider DNS as part of the network infrastructure; However, the communications team needs to fix the application slowdown.

    What Options Does The Networking Team Have For Troubleshooting Slow Applications?

    Why does my website load so slowly?

    A large number of unoptimized renderings are usually the mostIt is a common cause of slow websites. High resolution images can consume a lot of bandwidth when downloading. Loading images at a larger scale and then compressing them will unnecessarily increase the size of your page, which will make your website fill up slowly.

    2 main options

    Depending on the area of ​​responsibility and culture, network teams will compose different datasets and take different measurements:

    Option 1. Remove the filling device! (or “It’s not about the network!”)

    • You must be responsible for the operation of the network.
    • Your area of ​​responsibility is limited on only the network.
    • You no longer have the right to search!

    In this case, your main concern is to show that “this is not your network”: the container will break when it is connected to the network, and customers will finish!

    • Accurate measurement in case of problem:
      • Network latency (during holidays)
      • Channel load (percentage of data used)
      • Indicators packet repetition / loss rates
      • Performance indicators of network accessories (collected via SNMP)
      • MTU values ​​
    • A system view allows you to see all the data found above.
    • Data storage for at least 12-15 days

    Option 2: solve the case as much as possible and find at least the main reason!

    • You are responsible for the operation of the site.
    • Your area of ​​responsibility is limited only by your network.
    • You are responsible for resolving the issue and managing the troubleshooting of other employees. Bring services where you really need them. This

    In case, whatever the reason for the slowdown, you will have more It is possible to resolve the case. WHY ?

    You are usually the best person to find the answers to the questions you need to troubleshoot your drive: all communications that involve long transactions go through the network. You


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    You now have the ability to get macro and micro views of all elements of an application’s supply chain.

    Ok, But How Can I Get This Information? When To Start ?

    Step 1. Start wide-angle viewing, then go straight to detail.

    First you need to take a very large photo and determine where the dots appear:

    • One or more applications
    • One user, many, all
    • One website, many, all
    • One or all servers < / li>
    • Front forum, application or server, database or backend.

    troubleshooting slow web access

    Matrix View can provide the answer: The RUM (Real User Monitoring) process gives you an overview of the performance of your application. For example, get an overview of all users accessing the internal HTTP application (from all site users – if strings – to all servers – yousee those columns) and see where the crash occurs: for users who last found Site1 on servers in the Datacenter1 zone.

    End user response time from traffic matrix

    Top-down flow analysis with 4 clicks helps you investigate cases, from generated dashboards to details of the transactions involved.

    Step 2. Details

    • One VLAN, multiple VLANs, everyone?
    • Specific transaction (http page, request, SQL query, SMB transaction, DNS query)?

    troubleshooting slow web access

    On the one hand, we can use traffic analysis to extract your page load time for a given huge website and the impact of each hit on it.

    Slow Application Troubleshooting – Lead Analysis

    How would you troubleshoot a slow server?

    Step 1: Check if I / O is slow and CPU idle time.Step 2. Low I / O latency and reduced downtime: Check the CPU usage time.Step 3: I / O latency is low and idle time is high.Step 4: waiting for I / O is more important: check swap usage.Stage 5: Changes are widely used.Step 6: The change distance is short.

    With a state-of-the-art network traffic analysis solution, you will be scanned in real time from component 2 to level 7. All of these suggestions are immediately checked by real-time siteview analysis.

    Since you, as a networking team, may be the only one who can collect and process Wire data, you may be the only one who can run a good troubleshooting process that ignores any potential application performance issues.

    You just need systems that make this job easier!

    Speed up your computer today with this simple download.

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