You are currently viewing Solved: How To Recover Service Control Manager Debug Log

Solved: How To Recover Service Control Manager Debug Log

In this guide, we will identify some of the possible causes that can lead to Service Control Manager debug logging and then suggest possible solutions that you can use to try to resolve the issue.


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    I hear persistent errors logged in the system beep when a nightly backup is in progress:

    Event 7005, Management Service Dispatcher. LoadUserProfile errorwith the following error: Podium cannot find the file specified.

    Yes, I know which directory the backup process is stored in, and the error is obvious when the file type is not audible, but Windows Event Viewer doesn’t seem to indicate which particular file is definitely missing.

    Is there a way to switch to verbose mode, or get a slightly more verbose log showing what is being manually recorded that Windows cannot find?

    • 5 units to read

    The business should be running in a Service Control Manager situation, not in Visual Studio. Because of this, this important service debugging is not as easy to understand as it is to debug other types of Visual Studio applications. To debug a service, you need to start the service and then attach the debugger to the process in which it is obviously running. Then you can debug your dragoa valuable application using all the consistent debugging capabilities of Visual Studio.

    Only our own debugger can be connected to a running service. The attachment process disrupts the current functioning of his ministry; the processing of the service has not actually stopped, or may have stopped. Having said that, when you start debugging a process, your service might be running, technically it is still running while you debug it, and yet it stopped processing.

    Once you’ve hooked up all the processes, you can set breakpoints and also use them to debug your code. After exiting the dialog box that needs to be attached to the process, you are practically in debug mode. You can purchase Service Control Manager to start, pause, and resume services to examine the breakpoints you set. You can delete this dummy service in the evening after successful debugging.

    This article discusses debugging a service that typically runs on the local computer. Unfortunately, you alsoYou cannot debug Windows services that normally run on a remote computer. See Remote Debugging .

    How To Debug A Service

    1. Create your service with debug configuration.

    2. Install the service. For more information, see How To: Install and Remove Services .

    3. Start the service using Control Function Manager, Server Explorer, or code. For more information, see How To: Start Services .

    4. Start Visual Studio as an administrator so that login information can be added to system processes.

    5. Updated

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      (Optional) On this Visual Studio menu bar, choose Tools, Options. In the Dialog Options dialog box, select Debug, Symbols, select the Microsoft Symbol Servers check box, and click OK.

    6. On the menu bar, choose the Attach To Process option from the Debug or Tools menu. (Keyboard: Ctrl + Alt + P)

      The Processes dialog box will open.

    7. service control manager debug logging

      Check the box “Show processes for all users”…

    8. In the Currently Available Processes section, select the process designed for your department, then click Join.


      The dot has the same name as your service executable.

      The “Join” dialog box will open.

    9. Select the appropriate types, then click OK to close the dialog box.


      You are now in debug mode.

    10. Set almost the breakpoints you want to use in your code.

    11. A service access control manager and therefore control your service by executing stop, pause and then resume commands to reach your breakpoints. For more information on starting the Service Control Manager, see How to start services . See Also Troubleshooting: Debugging Windows Services .

    Tips For Debugging Windows Services

    If you are connected to a service process, you can debug most of the code in that service, but not most of the code. As an argument, since the service has already been definedElena, you cannot debug the code in terms of how the OnStart method of the service works, or the code in the Main method that is used when loading the service in this way. One way to work around this limitation is to create a second temporary service in the actual service application that only exists for the debugger. You can install two new services and then start this dummy service to load the service process. After a long running service has started a process, anyone can use the Debug menu in Visual Studio to connect to the service process.

    Try enabling sleep calls to postpone the action until you can log in to allow the operation to complete.

    service control manager debug logging

    Try replacing the program with a specific standard console application. To do this, modify the Main method as follows so that this type can run as both a Windows service and a console application, depending on how it is started.

    How to start a Windows service as a console application

    1. Add to yourI have a service routine that runs our OnStart and OnStop methods:

        internal empty TestStartupAndStop (string [] args)      this.OnStart (arguments);    Console.ReadLine ();    this.OnStop ();   
    2. Rewrite the Main method as follows:

        static Main (string [] arguments)      if (Environment.UserInteractive)              MyNewService service1 = new MyNewService (arguments);        service1.TestStartupAndStop (arguments);          another              // Insert the body of your old main method here.       
    3. On the Application tab, set most of the project properties as output to a console application.

    4. Select Start Debugging (F5).

    5. To make the program run as a Windows service as quickly as possible, install and run it as you would normally for a Windows service. These changes cannot be reversed.

    For some of these problems, for example, if you want to fix a problem that only occurs on the ITC system, you will need the Windows debugger. Download the Windows Driver Kit (WDK) with the section How to Debug Windows Services .

    See Also

    You should not join a process unless you know what the process is and what the implications of adding you to the process might be to kill the process. For example, if you attach a process to WinLogon and then stop debugging, the system avoids this because it cannot work without WinLogon.

    To write meaningful debugging information, the Visual Studio debugger must find symbol files for the binaries being debugged. When you debug a service built in Visual Studio, the version of the symbol (.pdb files) is in the same directory as the executable or library, and your current debugger automatically loads it. If you are indeed a debugger service that you haven’t created yet, the first thing you need to do is find the symbols for the main service and make sure the debugger can find them. See Specifying Symbols (.pdb) and Source Files in the Visual Studio Debugger . If you want to debug a physical process or use symbols in the system When making calls to your services, consider adding Microsoft Symbol Servers. See Debug Symbols .

    The name of the process is the same as the name of the executable file for this service.

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