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Various Ways To Fix Boost Mind Qi Debugging

Today’s article was created to help you if you get the Boost Spirit Qi Debug error message.


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    1. It should provide information about the attributes of the rule and local variables.
    2. With conditional debugging in the IDE, it is probably easy to set breakpoints. User
    3. , which can easily provide its own debugger handler.
    4. The output must conform to XML (snippet) and can be read by any XML editor.

    boost spirit qi debug

    One thing that is good about getting XML formatted is debugging where you can use an XML editor or perhaps even a viewer to check the results. Perfect Debugging is a strategy for collecting a new debug result in a text editor and examining it with an XML editor. Some (most?) Publishers have display filtering features to make it easier to find an XML article.

    How to add debugging to a rule in Spirit 2.1:

    debug (my_rule)

    Yes, it was easy. This helps to create the simple_trace class for Spirit 2.1, which provides basic tracing capabilities (similar to the classic ones). Please note that:

    1. For your attributes and logosFor real variables, a streaming operator must be defined, otherwise you will get a compilation error.
    2. What is your value? Please refer to the documentation for how to do this. Otherwise, consider an “unnamed rule” expression. If you want customers to name the rule and at the same time convince them to debug it, use the helper macro: BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_NODE (my_rule).

    1 + 1 1 + 1 1 + 1 1 + 1 +1 (1) +1 (1) 1 1 (1) (1) (2) ————————–Successful analysisResult is 2————————–

    • The expression looks more like XML than before. There is no weird <# tag> for submitting the error. You can use XML application to parse the result.
    • Attributes have been created. This is the tuple printed in this special issue (). You see the attributet created by the rule. If there are attributes that are normally inherited, they are printed as well. If there are local variables, they are displayed as plus signs (one line after Attributes). These are the files: (Synth, Inh1, Inh2 … InhN) (Loc1, Loc2 … LocN)
    • Markup
        ...  and  ...  

      Displays a portion of all records before and after scanning. As before, the number of characters printed is controlled by: BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_PRINT_SOME

    • As before, the output is monitored by: BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_OUT
    • The amount of withdrawals controlled by the computer itself: BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_INDENT

    1 + one 1 + one 1 + one 1 + one + a (1) + a (1) one one Refusal! Expect here: “a” ————————–Analysis failed————————–

    1. error! is expected here: an “a” was generated for the error handler (same in calc4.cpp). He isis played in the context in which the exception was previously encountered.
    2. reports parsing errors.

    As mentioned earlier, each calc4_debug.cpp example uses the simple_trace speed provided by Spirit. It is a simple functional object. You can set a breakpoint in its operator (). The course is very simple:

    struct simple_trace void print_indent (int n) const n * = BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_INDENT; by (int i = 0; i! = n; ++ i) BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_OUT << ''; Pattern void print_some ( char const * tag , Int-collection , Iterator first, iterator const and last) const print_indent (indent); BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_OUT << '<' << Disk Label << '>‘; Int const n equals BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_PRINT_SOME; for (int i = 0; to start with! = last && i! = n; ++ i) BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_OUT << * first ++; BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_OUT << "‘ << std :: endl; template The replacement operator () ( Const & first iterator , Const & last iterator The context constant and context , State , std :: const string and rule name) const Static indentation int = 0; go (state) Preliminary analysis: print_indent (indent ++); BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_OUT << '<' << rule name << '>‘ << std :: endl; print_some ("try", indent, first, last); Pause; Successful position_parse: print_some ("success", indent, first, last); print_indent (indent); BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_OUT << "” << context.attributes << "“; if (! fusion :: empty (context.locals)) BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_OUT << "” << context.locals << "“; BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_OUT << std :: endl; print_indent (- indentation); BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_OUT << "‘ << std :: endl; Pause; Failed_parse case: print_indent (indent); BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_OUT << "” << std :: endl; print_indent (- indentation); BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_OUT << "‘ << std :: endl; Pause; ;debug_handler_state enum pre_parse – parse_succès , parse_failure;

    Context is the context of a rule that contains attributes and citizens. The public API is located at support / context.hpp. In fact, a class is a structure with two elements:

    template Structural context /*…*/ Attributes attributes; // Attributes local natives; // Local variables;

    simple_trace demonstrates that you can simply start the debug manager. You can specify your own if it should be my_handler);


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    What you need:

    debug (my_rule, the only requirement is that the main debug manager must have a () operator with the following signature:

    template Empty operator () ( Const & first iterator , Const & last iterator The context constant and context , State , std :: const string and rule name) const;

    Okay, now you’re going to … As usual, comments and suggestions are welcome. Happy debugging!

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