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How Do I Manage The Win32 Resource Tutorial?

If you’ve noticed the Win32 Resources Tutorial, this tutorial will help you.


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    win32 resource tutorial

    You can also refer to the applications at the end of this guide, just toSupplementFind out more about resources with VC ++ and BC ++.

    win32 resource tutorial

    Before I go any further, I’ll cover the topic of resources to avoid doing must at the same time rewrite it for the section. In fact youYou don’t need to compile everything in this section, this is just an example.

    Resources have always been predefined with Bits data stored in binary format for you.executable file. You create a manual entry in the resource script withextension “.rc”. Commercial compilers are likely to have a visual resourceAn editor that allows you to create assets without manually improving themEditing the file, but sometimes editing, is our only way, especially if our compilerno visual editor, sucks, might not support exactly the functionality you need.

    Unfortunately, different compilers handle programs differently. I will do ittry my best to explain common functions that are important to work with resourcesMostly.

    The resource editor included with MSVC ++ makes it very difficult to edit resources.manually as the program appliesproprietary format, it will also useFile if you check the one you created at random. In general, it is not worth wasting time on this.Building .rc files from scratch, knowing them exactly, but modifying them carefully by hand can certainly help.Another drawback is that Will msvc ++ calls the resource header list “resource.h” by default.even if you want to call it something else. I’ll go differently for the sake of simplicityin this insurance policy, but show you how you can adapt it in your compiler application.

    First, let’s use a simple script with very basic resources using a single icon.

    #include “resource.h”IDI_MYICON ICNE “my_icon.ico”

    This is each of our files as a whole. IDI_MYICON is an internal resource identifier, ICON is a special type.and “my_icon.ico” is the name of the file that contains it. this isshould work on any compiler.

    What is a resource file in Visual Studio?

    A site is a text file that the compiler provides you with to manipulate objects such as images, sounds, mouse pointers, dialog boxes, etc. Microsoft Visual Studio makes it easy to create an application file by providing the tools you need in the same environment that you also need programming.

    What about this special #include "resource.h" ? Well your method needs a wayDefine a symbol and the best way to do it is to give it a unique identifier ( IDI_MYICON ).We can do This is when you see you include the resource.h file and create our own in your resource script.Original file.

    #define IDI_MYICON 101

    How to use a resource in a program?

    Now for an example of using a resource in your program. The most important parameter to LoadIcon () and many other resource-consuming functions is the handle to the current instance (which is allowed for us in WinMain (), and can also be obtained using GetModuleHandle (), as described in the previous sections). The second is the specific resource identifier.

    As you can see, we have set IDI_MYICON to 101 .We will probably forget the ID and use 101 wherever we need refer to all characters, but IDI_MYICON is very different from what you are usingalso a report, combined with an easier one to remember when you have a lot of resources.


    Again IDR_MYMENU this is the name of the resource and MENU the guy is there.Now is a good point, see the main point START and END Up there? Some resourcesUse editors or compilers found on the sitefrom START and in place END …If your compiler can handle both, you can choose which user to use. If it could go onone or the other should allow them to exercise The exchange required for the proper functioning of this article.

    We’ve also added a modern identifier, ID_FILE_EXIT A resource header file in the form resource.h for use in our program.

    #define IDI_MYICON 101#define ID_FILE_EXIT 4001

    Creating and keeping track of each of these IDs can be challenging for large projects.This is why most of us use a visual asset editor that does it all for you.They calm down from time to time, and even you may have multiple systems.same id or similar underlying problem and it’s good to finally introduce and solve it yourself


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    Now for an example of using an instrumental resource in your program.

    HICON hMyIcon = LoadIcon (hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE (IDI_MYICON));

    The first parameter pointing to LoadIcon () and other resource-intensive propertiesDealing with the current incident (which we will discuss in WinMain () and also can from. can be restoredwith GetModuleHandle () as indicated in the previous sections). vthe second is our own resource ID.

    You are probably forwondering what is wrong with MAKEINTRESOURCE () and you might be wonderingwhy LoadIcon () provides a parameter of type LPCTSTR as a replacement. we say UINT with a good ID. Anything MAKEINTRESOURCE () does is definitely an integer (what?our ID) to LPCTSTR , which is what LoadIcon () expects. It brings us downsecond way to check resources with strings. Almost nobody does thisnot anymore, so I won’t go into details, but mostly when you don’t use #define to assign some integerValue on your resources, then the name is usually interpreted as a string and may try to refer toyour program is like this:

    HICON hMyIcon = LoadIcon (hInstance, “MYICON”);

    Where do I find resource includes in Win32?

    For those of you using VC ++, you can purchase the ability to edit this text only in the IDE under View> Contains Resource. Usually not required to be used in normal practice, this is just the way I worked on a problem earlier in the market to get things to work now with BC ++ and VC ++.

    LoadIcon () in addition to other resource loading APIs may introduce a new distinction between andPass an integer and a significant pointer to the string that was passed when checking the most significant word of your current value.If it is 0 (for example, any integer event with a value significantly less than or equal toup to 65535), it assumes that it is a resource identifier. It effectively limits your resources.Using IDs 65535, unless you have a lot of resources overall, shouldn’t be your problem.otherwise 0 , then it represents a value, is a pointer and listens to a resourcename. Don’t rely on the API for this, of course it is explicitly stated in this documentation.

    Doesn’t work in this example for menu requests like ID_FILE_EXIT because they can only appear as integers.

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